Action. Change. Advisory and Turnaround Management

Chris Williams Consulting

Turnaround management requires a rapid analysis of the current situation coupled with a decisive action plan to move toward financial stability while satisfying numerous constituencies.  Key company executives in such a situation are usually facing it for the first time and benefit from the assistance of one who has been through the process with numerous companies and stakeholders. Over thirteen years of experience in “turnarounds”. We have extensive personal contacts in the local and national lending, legal, accounting and turnaround professions

Turnaround Management

Business Model Review

Internal and External Issues affecting performance and liquidity

Liquidation Analysis

Business Viability Assessment

CRA (Chief Restructuring Advisor)

CEO (Chief Executive Officer)


Interim Management


Sale or Merger

Bankruptcy Filing


Continuity Options

Declining profit, gross margin

Losing Market Share

“Stretching” vendors; frequent vendor calls

Increasing inventory, especially slow turn items

Delaying payables

Lender “issues” are a distraction

Losing people, the better ones first

Deferring plant and equipment maintenance

Limiting communication

Hoping for a “home run”

Revering the past; fearing the future

Early Warning Signs of Possible Trouble