Action. Change. Advisory and Turnaround Management

Chris Williams Consulting

Companies in a turnaround or crisis mode typically do not wish their name made public. We respect those wishes but can pass on these unsolicited testimonials.

“Glass and its current and former Principals have always held you in the highest regard and all of us wish you continued health and success in your future endeavors and we look forward to opportunities to work together.”

“It is not my place to say it and I don’t know if he (the owner) will, but I know he feels he couldn’t have gone through all of this without you. I’ve been blessed to have had the honor and privilege of working with you.”

“We can’t say it’s all been relaxing or fun! And, yes, at times it was intense. But we have learned things from you that have helped improve our operations… Many thanks.. for the professional and considerate way you conducted yourself as you went about those tasks.

“...hit the highest utilization in the history of the company last month. They seem to be using the “tool” you created and appear to have renewed focus on improving

Glass & Associates, former employer (from the CEO)

Oil Field Services (from the owner)

Distributor (from a shop employee)

Leading Private Equity Group (from a Partner)


Leading national turnaround firm addressing companies with revenues of $200mm and up

Client company is a $180mm services firm with good but not optimal performance.

Largest distributor of its kind in the Southwest. Negotiated out of court liquidation. Bank fully paid.

$25 mm in annual revenue. Severe liquidity crisis resolved without additional capital or sale.